Episode 80: Konn – Frisbee or School

Konn Kummins catches a Flamingo

  • Konn talks about his early inspirations and some of the prominent Europeans players of the day.
  • Frisbee or school – which one did he choose?
  • Demo life was not for Konn but he did have some memorable experiences.
  • Konn makes the trek to the mecca of Santa Barbara and has some eye opening moments regarding freestyle play that impacted his game.
  • Jam Britania – Novemeber 10 & 11 – will be live-streamed! Konn Cummins, Jason Salkey & Adrian Wainwright will be pairing up again after 30 years – don’t miss the reunion!!!
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One Comment

  1. Good to hear Konn after all these years. He mentioned about Adrian playing disc golf, and I remember in Belgium that Adrian came in with a great score and somebody questioned it, at which point Adrian stood up and pinged a lid straight into a basket about 30m away. Priceless and hilarious moment.

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