Jam Report

Today’s PDX jam featured guest jammer Mary Lowry, along with Lisa, Lori, and me (Jake). We had a sweet, indoor, mob-op session with the disc bouncing between us like a pinball on nearly every move. Thanks to Mary’s presence, we also had lots counter spin practice. Some highlights included Mary’s gracefull cove pulls with BOTH spins and Lori’s self set Gitis. Of course move of the day has to go to Lisa, Mary, and I for a sick counter co-op which involved everyone’s nails, a couple skids, and then a 4 roll series featuring both forward and inverted chest rolls. As the jam wound down, the scene was Lori practicing her kick brushes. While she didn’t hit the same right foot, left foot, right foot behind the left leg combo from the last jam, it was still a joy to watch.

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