Live Stream for AFO

ls1The AFO team has asked me to live stream the event. They want to make this the best live stream to date. Of course I said yes! I love that I can help bring my jamily closer together and maybe even spread the jam.

But, I can’t do it alone. It’s truly a community effort. Tournament directors pitch in money, equipment, and internet access. Jammers on site volunteer to run a camera or man the computer system. Other jammers and friends donate their cameras, tripods, microphones computers, and more. And, of course I put in lots of time and money as well.

Knowing that we are such a community oriented group, I am making the call out for help to make the live stream at AFO be the best live stream to date! If you will be at AFO and are willing to run a camera, help with setup, or anything else, please let me know. Also, if you happen to have a video camera, tripod, microphone, or audio mixer, and are willing to bring it along, let me know what it is. I’m hoping to setup a 3rd camera for AFO…the first 3 camera freestyle frisbee stream.

For AFO I am also trying something new. I have started a fundly to give more people the opportunity to help out. Funds will go directly towards covering the costs of doing the live stream.

If you enjoy the live streams and want help make them continue, please do what you can to help. Or, share the link and spread the word.

One last thing. I don’t want to inundate everyone on this list with regular status updates and continual requests for help. So, if you want regular updates, check the blog at

Thanks. I’m looking forward to jamming with everyone at AFO and sharing the competition with everyone who can’t make it.

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  1. Pingback: AFO Live Stream Update – New Camera - Heinsville

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