New T-Shirt Design and Colors

It’s been about a year since we introduced the FrisbeeGuru T-Shirt an opened our store. Since then, many of you have purchased shirts and mugs and joined the Wall of Gurus. In celebration of the one year anniversary and of all the great support and feedback we’ve received from you, we are introducing some new items.

First up is a new set of colors with a yellow circle. With this we complete the rainbow and can match any color pallet for your tournament or jamming wardrobe.

Next up is a new T-Shirt design. It’s a word cloud Freestyle Frisbee terminology in the shape of a hand. With this T-Shirt you can proudly display your love for Freestyle Frisbee and entice your friends to ask, “what is a nail delay?” Who knows, maybe this will be what leads someone into our fine sport.

Remember, all proceeds go directly to supporting our mission, so don’t hesitate to check out our store. We thank you for your support! Don’t forget to tune in to The Jammers 2018 Live stream. You might even see me wearing one of these fine shirts on the stream 😉

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