Episode 10: Doug E Fresh’s Top Ten

To celebrate episode ten we begin a new segment of the show, Doug E Fresh’s Top Ten. We all like to hang out and talk about our favorite jam, favorite players, favorite events, and so on. This week Doug E Fresh picks ten players to be on his “dream team”.Doug E Fresh's Top Ten

  • Doug E Fresh’s Top 10 (But of course, it is in no particular order…)
  • Both Jake and Randy make the list (almost.) Hmm, is it rigged to ensure Doug is a reoccurring guest on the Podcast?
  • Hear about Doug’s “Freshian Guidance” on Minimizing and Maximizing and who takes his guidance and who doesn’t. Do Jake & Randy agree with this philosophy?
  • Hear who Doug gives extra style points, has deep pockets, a home court advantage, and who falls into the “whipped butter zone.”
  • Who would be on your Fantasy Free Style team?

Don’t forget to subscribe and check out our other episodes.

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  1. Hi Jake
    what are you meaning by having “deep pockets”? Is it the financial ability to travel around the world to participate in tournaments, or an unlimited amount of moves & catches?

  2. Deep pockets means the player has a large number of moves and catches.

  3. Very fun interview!

  4. That was a great interview. Thx very much!
    I definitely go with Doug E Fresh’s List. Hm

    For me, there has to be Lisa Hunrichs, Jakub Kostel and Gary Auerbachon on that List too. With these dudes and duderinas i have had some of the best Jamminutes in my life. Power, Passion and Grace!

  5. Pingback: History: 1977-1982; Huge Growth of Freestyle - FrisbeeGuru

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